Video Inventory

The video inventory will be updated frequently. It includes particularly memorable video organized by topic area.

Inspiration to Keep You Going

Valarie Kaur. Watch Night Service. 6m19s. Six minutes of inspiration, encouraging us to continue to push for justice. In the last minute, Reverend Barber leaps to his feet and seems enraptured. Keep in mind, Rev. Barber can barely walk, unaided. The last minute is just incredible. Click here.

Valarie Kaur, What Does Revolutionary Love Look Like. 41.56. I’ve posted Kaur’s shorter video many times. It is beyond inspiring. But the video that flows automatically after that short and inspiring video played on one day and I was stunned at how brilliant this video is as it describes so beautifully the world of hate in which we live and the world of love for which we aspire. Click here.

Royce Mann.  Rise Up, an inspiring 4 minute poem from a 15 year-old boy speaking before a packed African American church in Georgia. He is absolutely on fire and when done the church explodes into a standing ovation.  Click here.

Martin Luther King, Jr. “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” 2m37s clip. This famous speech isn’t only about the iconic “I’ve been to the mountaintop.” The next day, MLK, Jr. was assassinated. Click here.

Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream.” 17m48s. Speech is prefaced by clips of the march to the Washington Monument. Click here.

Rev. William Barber at the Democratic National Convention. 11m09s. He works the crowd with some extraordinary bully pulpit, lift your spirits, get on your feet exhortation for a moral revolution. Brilliant.  Click here.

Tools for Activism

Using Morale Language to Frame Arguments. This is a tremendous video on how to frame your argument in moral and ethical terms to achieve the greatest impact.  The video focuses on conversations around climate change, but the principles apply to discussions related to any form of political discussion. Very useful video for people who want to canvass, speak at a City Council meeting, post on Facebook, or write a letter to the editor.  Click here.

Developing the Capacity for Empathy.  A very insightful, 3-minute video on the importance of being able to embrace another’s perspective and point of view. You don’t have to share the view, you need to hear it and appreciate from whence it sprang. Very instructive. Click here.

Climate Justice

Greta Thunberg Blasts the UN, the Full Five Minute Speech. “You have stolen my childhood….. How dare you!” and more. Click here.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Naomi Klein on the Green New Deal. This animated short of 8 minutes takes a look at what our future could look like if the Green New Deal were implemented in 2021. While the end result is a bit overly optimistic, the overall impact is inspiring. Well worth your time. Click here.

Income Inequality

A Tale of Two Cities:  Santa Fe a City Divided by Race and Wealth. Tomas Rivera presents a 12-minute video that includes charts and maps depicting the extraordinary degree to which Santa Fe is divided by race and income. Tomas also describes the public policies and private investments that fuel gentrification in Santa Fe. And then he lays out how you can be involved in Equity Summer to help achieve social and economic justice in Santa Fe. A must view video.  Click here.

No Is Not Enough, Naomi Klein.  58 minutes. A video of a book talk from Naomi Klein. She is on the cutting edge of integrating the fight for climate, economic, and racial justice.  Click here.

Wealth Inequality in America. 6m23s. This video has been viewed a.most 20 million times. It so clearly and graphically depicts the massive migration of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the wealthy. There are a few moments where your jaw will drop even if think you understand that this migration has occurred. Worth sharing with those who think America’s economy works for all of us. Click here.

Imperialism & Capitalism in 2-Minutes. This video outlines in very clear strokes exactly how the banking system, World Bank, International Money Fund and multinational corporations conspire to essentially enslave 3rd world nations. This is how we enjoy cheap products and why so many jobs are being exported. Very good to share with friends who somehow don’t know this. Click here.

Political Corruption

Corruption is Legal in America. This is a five minute video that depicts how politicians really do not care at all what you think or want. The video outlines how the worst idea ever, if supported by the 1%, has a better chance of becoming law than the best idea ever, if it is opposed by the 1%. Some stunning data here. Click here.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Congressional and Presidential Corruption. In an absolutely riveting line of questioning, AOC leads a Congressional inquiry that connects the dots of precisely how corrupt and how beholden to money our political system is. This would be hysterical if it weren’t so tragic. Click here.

Robert Reich

Robert Reich on Trump’s and His Cabinet Members’ Bending of Truth and Reality.  There are some stunning comments, including HUD Ben Carson referring to slaves as being immigrants and DeVos claiming Historically Black Colleges as being ‘pioneers of school choice.’ Very worth a listen.  Click here.

George Lakoff on Framing, Metaphorical Thought & Moral Language

George Lakoff provides a 6o minute lecture on how we think, how we understand and how the use of moral language can frame discussions and actually prevent individuals from even hearing you. Lakoff also describes how to understand how the GOP has framed the debate on so many key policy issues. If you want to become more skilled in persuasion, you need to view this video.  Click here.

Sometimes You Just Need to Laugh

John Oliver. Trump vs. Truth. 23.m/49s. Absolutely historical summary of Trump’s pattern of lying,including a quote from a reporter who said: “The challenge of covering Trump is we don’t understand what he means when he uses word.”  Click here.