2-8-21 Urgent Alert: Save the Green Amendment!

Good Morning New Mexico Activists:

This is an urgent Alert to contact members of the Senate Rules Committee this morning before 9 a.m.! (This info came out after midnight last night.) Please call and email ASAP to save SJR 3 Environmental Rights Act (aka Green Amendment). Quick details are below, and you’ll find more info at today’s blog post at this link.

SJR 3 Environmental Rights Act, aka The Green Amendment, is scheduled to be heard at 9 a.m. this morning. The Senate Rules Committee Chair, Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto, has introduced what is considered an “unfriendly amendment.” Please urge committee members to vote only for either the original bill as introduced, or for the bill sponsors’ amendment. Do not vote for Ivey-Soto’s amendment. Contact info below.

Senate Rules Committee (SRC)

Thank you!

Roxanne and Paul